License Changes - How to Keep Nightlife Alive
The current coronavirus crisis that we are experiencing is hitting the nightlife sector especially hard. And it is that since last year the closure of pubs, cocktail bars and discos has been decreed. A closing that, so far, has no deadline. According to the provisions of the closing decree, "establishments exclusively dedicated to the consumption of beverages" in Andalusia are prohibited from opening both day and night.
This measure affects two types of premises that cannot open: nightclubs (also called entertainment establishments) and pubs with a license for special hospitality establishments with music (which cannot open if they only offer drinks).
If you are being affected by the situation that we have just described, you should know that there is a temporary solution to this problem: it is possible to obtain authorization to modify the activity (for premises that already have an opening license, and where there is no have subsequently carried out any type of works not in accordance with the provisions of said license) for cases of reform, expansion or reduction of surfaces, distribution of spaces, modification of the activity, machinery or facilities, etc.
It means that, if you modify the activity, so that your place is not dedicated "exclusively to the consumption of beverages" you will be able to reopen it complying with the schedules and measures established for conventional hospitality establishments.
Of course, if your premises do not have a kitchen with the minimum dimensions and requirements in terms of smoke extraction, machinery, fire protection installations ... you will have to limit the activity of your premises to previously prepared food service that does not require cooked.
The procedure will be carried out through the responsible declaration process. A responsible declaration is a document signed by the applicant (accompanied by as many documents as requested) in which it is declared, under the responsibility of the signer, that all the requirements for (in this case) the modification of an activity are met.
As for the documentation to present, this will depend on the municipality in which the premises are located, although in a generic way, it will not be very different from the following list:
Standard responsible declaration model.
Photocopy of the CIF or DNI depending on who the owner is.
Copy of the articles of incorporation in the event that it is a legal entity.
Location map of the property that is the object of the request.
Photocopy of the Tax on Economic Activities or high census, as appropriate.
Document that proves the cadastral reference of the premises or establishment.
Rest of the documentation required for the opening according to the activity that is modified and proof of having paid the corresponding fees (if applicable).
After the change, the establishment will keep the disco license (or any other license as it may have) but it may open as a cafeteria, provided that some specific rules for this use are met, such as noise pollution and health requirements. We recommend that, if you have any questions about what these rules are, read our post on Opening licenses - Restaurant
In any case, remember that you can contact us without obligation if you want to explain your specific case, we will be happy to assist you!
Hello I am Javier Muñoz Fuentes, Architect registered 1856 COA Málaga. Let me know how may I be of assistance…You will find me calling at + 34 654 00 11 69
Hello I am Crisanto Barcia Garcia, Architect registered 1501 COA Málaga. If you have any further question about this post, do not hesitate to call me at +34 678 478 993
Opening licenses - Offices
If you are thinking of starting a business by opening your own office or professional office, surely there are many aspects that you should take into account and you do not know where to start. In this post we will try to resolve all the doubts you may have about the legal aspects, so that you fully understand how to process the opening / activity license for your office or professional office.
They are framed within the office activity: all those activities whose function is to provide administrative, technical, financial, information or other services, either to companies or individuals. Also included within this type of activity are offices that offer sales services, such as bank branches, travel agencies, as well as professional domestic offices.
When explaining the procedures to be carried out to obtain the opening license, we will differentiate between all those activities that are carried out in an office proper (generally a commercial premises in which such use is allowed) from the activities that are carried out from home (such as: lawyers, accountants, architects, freelancers ...) which we will call domestic offices.
For both types of offices it is a harmless activity (understood as one that does not modify the health, environmental or security conditions for the population), so the processing of this type of licenses is usually quick, as they are not necessary certain procedures such as environmental qualification.
Obtaining the license will be processed through a responsible declaration, which is nothing more than a document signed by the applicant (accompanied by as many documents as requested) in which it is declared, under the responsibility of the signer, that all the requirements are met. for (in this case) the start of an activity. This responsible declaration must be accompanied by an activity project signed by an architect (it will not be necessary in the case of professional offices).
If you want to know more about the procedure and what documentation you have to present, we recommend that you read our post: Opening licenses: everything you need to know.
Licences for Offices
Location of the activity: The first requirement that must be taken into account will be the urban regulations. Municipal planning establishes a series of permitted uses and specific rules depending on the location of the property, so the first step before buying or renting a place to open our office, will be to verify that this use is allowed by urban regulations.
Sanitary provision: The number of toilets that must exist depends on the useful area of the office. At a minimum, in offices of less than two hundred square meters, there must be at least one toilet for men and one for women.
For offices with more than fifty workers, there must be at least one toilet adapted for people with reduced mobility, which must be for mixed use.
Accessibility regulations:
The most relevant aspects of these regulations that must be taken into account are:
There must be at least one accessible access to the premises.
The floor of both the access ramp and the entire premises must be non-slip.
The openings and doors must be more than 80cm wide.
The corridors must be at least 1.00m wide, and there must be turning areas (with a free diameter of 1.50m) at certain points such as the lobby, in corridors of more than 10m in length, in front of the elevator ( in your case) and so on.
Fire protection regulations: The requirements regarding fire protection facilities may vary depending on the useful surface of the premises, but, in general we can say that there must be at least one extinguisher located every 15 meters, emergency lighting and exit signs.
Licenses for Household Offices
Due to the boom in teleworking in recent times, it is increasingly common to find different types of workers working in an office located in their own home. This type of office is very common in medical consultations, architecture studios, law firms, agencies ... What are the requirements for it?
Incompatible activities:
In the first place, we have to mention that not all the activities that are included within the concept of office (commented at the beginning of the post) can be developed in domestic offices. Commercial activities and offices with sales services must be carried out in an office, adjusting to the requirements mentioned in that section.
Housing requirements:
In the event that the professional activity is carried out by the user from their own home, there are a series of requirements:
The useful surface that is going to be used as an office, cannot exceed a third of the useful surface of the home, and must constitute a differentiated space of the home.
The useful area not intended for professional activity, must comply with the program and minimum area of housing, established according to the regulations of the municipality.
The office area must have natural light and ventilation.
Hello I am Javier Muñoz Fuentes, Architect registered 1856 COA Málaga. Let me know how may I be of assistance…You will find me calling at + 34 654 00 11 69
Hello I am Crisanto Barcia Garcia, Architect registered 1501 COA Málaga. If you have any further question about this post, do not hesitate to call me at +34 678 478 993
Opening licenses - Cocktail bar / Nightclub
If you are thinking of opening a nightclub or a cocktail bar, there are surely many aspects that you should take into account and you do not know where to start: create a name and a logo, find a place in a suitable area for your clients, find out about suppliers, hiring staff, establishing a marketing plan and, finally, the legal aspects.
In this post we are going to try to solve all the doubts you may have about how to process the opening / activity license for your nightclub or cocktail bar. However, if after reading it, you have any questions about it, we recommend that you read our post: Opening licenses: everything you need to know
The first requirement that must be taken into account will be the urban regulations. Municipal planning establishes a series of permitted uses and specific rules depending on the location of the property, so the first step before buying or renting a place to open our cocktail bar or disco, will be to verify that this use is allowed by urban regulations.
In addition to this, there are a series of requirements that we are going to group as follows:
Minimun Stays
In general, you must have an area for the public (which will be larger or smaller depending on the total area of the premises), a storage area and at least one accessible toilet (depending on the area of the premises it will be possible to have a single unisex toilet or toilets separated by gender).
Accessibility Regulations
The most relevant aspects of this regulation that must be taken into account are:
There must be at least one accessible access to the premises. In the event that there is unevenness between the exterior pavement and the premises, it must be saved by means of a ramp or other technical aids (such as lifting platforms).
The floor of both the access ramp and the entire premises must be non-slip.
The openings and doors must be more than 80cm wide.
The corridors must be at least 1.00m wide, and there must be turning areas (with a free diameter of 1.50m) at certain points such as the lobby, in corridors of more than 10m in length, in front of the elevator ( in your case) and so on.
Acoustic Isolation
Having construction elements with sufficient acoustic protection is a fundamental element, given the concurrence of this type of premises and the noise they usually generate.
Depending on the noise pollution and the area in which the premises are located, the maximum permitted decibels must be respected and, in addition, the existence of a watertight vestibule at the access to the premises that has a double door may be required to minimize the transmission of noise to the outside.
Fire Protection
The requirements regarding fire protection facilities may vary depending on the useful area of the premises, but in general we can say that there must be at least one extinguisher located every 15 meters, emergency lighting and exit signs.
In this type of use, in addition, it will be especially important regarding the emergency exits and is that depending on the capacity you have planned for your premises, it must have doors up to 7 meters wide (in some cases), and the number of adequate exits depending on the route and capacity.
As for ventilation, this may be natural (through openings in doors, windows or grilles in facades and patios) or forced (through motors and ventilation ducts with impulsion and extraction intakes). In any case, you must ensure that there are around 6 air changes per hour.
You must bear in mind that if your premises can be ventilated naturally (mainly through windows) it will be more difficult to obtain the appropriate level of acoustic insulation since the sound from the amplifiers inside the premises will also pass through these windows.
Remember that there are different regulations at the state level that you will also have to obtain, such as the license that allows the sale of alcohol or tobacco.
In addition to this, in relation to music, you must remember that, if you use protected works in your premises, you need the authorization of copyright. Since it is practically impossible to get the copyright of each and every one of the songs that you want to put in the disco, the SGAE has a repertoire that contains most of the songs that can be played in a disco. Therefore, you must obtain the license that allows you to use the musical repertoire through any medium.
In the event that the premises meet all the requirements and it is not necessary to carry out renovation works, the procedure to be followed consists of preparing an activity project (which must be signed by an architect) describing the activity to be carried out on the premises, the facilities and machinery to be used, justifying compliance with all applicable regulations and providing plans for all of this.
In addition to this, you should know that the use of Nightclubs and Party Rooms is subject to the environmental qualification procedure according to Law 7/2007, of July 9, on Integrated Environmental Quality Management. In order to obtain this environmental qualification, a technical project must be carried out in which the activity, machinery and equipment to be used, materials used, environmental risks must be carried out, and it must be justified that the project does not imply an environmental risk or have a polluting nature.
Once this project has been carried out, the form of administrative authorization will be through a declaration responsible for activities (document in which it is declared that all the requirements are met or to start the activity and that it does not need a response from the Administration, therefore that this can be started from the moment of its presentation).
Documentation necessary to present the responsible declaration: (may vary slightly depending on the municipality)
Responsible declaration form.
Identification of the holder (photocopy of DNI if it is natural persons).
Document certifying the availability of the use of the establishment (lease contract, for example).
Documentation related to the viability of urban use
Activity project.
If you have any questions about the procedure, it is extensively explained in our post: Opening licenses: everything you need to know and, in any case, you can contact us for any clarification or request for a quote without obligation. We will be happy to help you! .
Hello I am Javier Muñoz Fuentes, Architect registered 1856 COA Málaga. Let me know how may I be of assistance…You will find me calling at + 34 654 00 11 69
Hello I am Crisanto Barcia Garcia, Architect registered 1501 COA Málaga. If you have any further question about this post, do not hesitate to call me at +34 678 478 993
Opening licenses - Restaurant
If you are thinking of opening a restaurant, surely there are many aspects that you should take into account and you do not know where to start: have a business plan, create a name and a logo, find a place in a suitable area for your customers, find out about suppliers, hiring staff, establishing a marketing plan and, finally, the legal aspects.
In this post we will try to solve all the doubts you may have about how to process the opening / activity license for a restaurant / cafeteria. If, after reading it, you have any questions about it, we recommend that you read our post: Opening licenses: everything you need to know.
The first requirement that must be taken into account will be the urban regulations. Municipal planning establishes a series of permitted uses and specific rules depending on the location of the property, so the first step before buying or renting a place to open our restaurant, we must verify that this use is allowed by urban regulations.
In addition to this, there are a series of requirements that we are going to group as follows:
Minumun Stays
Public area: It must have coherent and adequate dimensions to the activity that you want to give it, with the minimum conditions of lighting, ventilation and comfort.
Personnel area: The kitchen must have rooftop smoke extraction, so this will be a fundamental element when choosing the place since, although there are some alternatives, they do not always offer the same efficiency nor are they accepted by all municipalities .
We recommend that you consult an architect to verify that the existing smoke outlet in the premises you want to purchase meets all the minimum requirements (be independent of other ducts, go up to the roof and be 1m higher than any of the buildings that are are within fifteen meters, etc.)
Warehouse: There must be a food storage room differentiated from the storage of other products, such as hygiene or cleaning.
Garbage room: It must be independent and have adequate ventilation (natural or forced) to prevent odors from spreading to the rest of the premises.
Sanitary provision: The premises must have separate toilets for staff and customers. There must be at least one full bathroom (as a minimum) and a larger toilet that meets all the specifications to be adapted for people with disabilities, which will be the one used by customers, so it must be accessed through the area intended for customers.
Protection against noise
Having construction elements with sufficient acoustic protection is a fundamental element, given the concurrence of this type of premises and the noise they usually generate. Depending on the specific use that is going to be given, on the existing noise pollution in the area, and if there are going to be sound or audiovisual reproduction or amplification equipment, it must meet some specifications or others, requiring in some cases the existence of a watertight lobby at the access to the premises that has a double door.
Accessibility Regulations
All spaces in the premises (both those that will be used by customers and those that will be used by staff, with some exceptions, such as the facilities rooms) must comply with accessibility regulations. This regulation is composed at the state level by Order VIV / 561/2010, of February 1, and by the Basic Document on security of use and accessibility; at the regional level by Decree 293/2009, of July 7, and in addition to this, it must comply with the specific Ordinances that will depend on the municipality in which the premises are located. The most relevant aspects of this regulation that must be taken into account are:
There must be at least one accessible access to the premises. In the event that there is unevenness between the exterior pavement and the premises, it must be saved by means of a ramp or other technical aids (such as lifting platforms).
There must be an elevator in the event that the premises have more than one floor, and there are uses that will be used by customers on the upper floors.
The floor of both the access ramp and the entire premises must be non-slip.
The openings and doors must be more than 80cm wide.
The corridors must be at least 1.00m wide, and there must be turning areas (with a free diameter of 1.50m) at certain points such as the lobby, in corridors of more than 10m in length, in front of the elevator ( in your case) and so on.
Fire Protection
The requirements regarding fire protection facilities tend to acquire greater relevance in restaurants than in any other type of premises, since,In addition to the general requirements (fire extinguisher placed every 15 meters, emergency lighting, exit signposts…), restaurants usually have kitchens that, due to the machinery they house, are considered to be of special risk.
Depending on the total power of the devices that we plan to install, they will be considered as low risk (between 20kW and 30kW), medium risk (between 30kW and 50kW) or high risk (greater than 50kW) and will have some requirements or others (for example , for powers greater than 50kW it will be necessary to carry out an automatic fire detection installation).
In the event that the premises meet all the requirements and it is not necessary to carry out renovation works, the procedure to follow consists of preparing an activity project (which must be signed by an architect) in which the activity is described that will be developed in the premises, the facilities and machinery that will be used, the fulfillment of all the corresponding regulations is justified and plans of all this are provided.
In addition to this, you should know that the use "Restaurants, cafes, pubs and bars" is subject to the environmental qualification procedure according to Law 7/2007, of July 9, so a technical project must be carried out in which describe the activity, machinery and equipment to be used, materials used, environmental risks ... it must be justified that the project does not pose an environmental risk or is polluting.
Once the favorable resolution of the environmental qualification has been obtained, a responsible declaration of activities will be presented (document in which it is declared that all the requirements are met or to start the activity and that it does not need a response from the Administration, therefore that this can be started from the moment of its presentation).
Documentation necessary to present the responsible declaration: (may vary slightly depending on the municipality)
Responsible declaration form.
Identification of the holder (photocopy of ID in the case of natural persons).
Document certifying the availability of the use of the establishment (lease contract, for example).
Documentation related to the viability of urban use
Activity project.
Finally, health authorization must be obtained through an application submitted to the Territorial Delegation of the Ministry responsible for health. This, after verifying that the establishment meets all the requirements, will proceed to register the premises in the Sanitary Registry of Companies and Food Establishments of Andalusia.
If you have any further questions about the procedure, we remind you that it is extensively explained in our post: Opening licenses: everything you need to know.
As for the cost, you must take into account two main aspects. On the one hand, the architect's fees: these will depend on the size of the specific project in question, so if you are interested in opening a place with these characteristics, we encourage you to ask us for a quote without any commitment: we will be happy to help you!
On the other hand, you must pay the corresponding fees for responsible declaration, the value of which depends on the municipality. By way of example, in Malaga the rates depend on the surface area, and range between two hundred and seventy-two euros (for surfaces smaller than fifty square meters) and four hundred and fifty euros (for an area of one hundred and fifty square meters).
Hello I am Javier Muñoz Fuentes, Architect registered 1856 COA Málaga. Let me know how may I be of assistance…You will find me calling at + 34 654 00 11 69
Hello I am Crisanto Barcia Garcia, Architect registered 1501 COA Málaga. If you have any further question about this post, do not hesitate to call me at +34 678 478 993
Activities exempt from opening license
On previous occasions we have talked in depth about what an opening license is, what is the procedure to follow to obtain it, what are the general requirements that the premises must meet and what are the specific requirements depending on the use (restaurant-cafeteria , shops, bakeries ...) However, in this post we want to give you a more generic vision so that you understand which are all those activities that are subject to the opening license process and which are those that are exempt.
Although currently it is still talking in a generic way of "opening license" for the procedures that must be carried out with the administration prior to starting an activity, you should know that, in reality, for several years there have been very few activities that They need this opening license, since the procedure has been greatly simplified in order to promote retail business in such a way as to reduce the existing administrative obstacles that affect the start of this activity. To understand it, it is necessary to clarify the difference between three concepts: license, responsible declaration and prior communication.
A license is, according to its definition “an express declaration that a person makes, especially with legal authority, to allow a certain thing to be done”. In the context that we are dealing with, a license would be the administrative resolution of a procedure in which it (the administration) expressly authorizes us to carry out that activity that we have requested (and that we must have accompanied by a project or other series of documents).
Responsible declaration
It is a “document signed by the applicant, which normally accompanies the main instance at the beginning of a file for the exercise of an activity, in which it declares, under its responsibility, that it complies with all the requirements demanded by to sectoral regulations ”. In this procedure there is also an application and it is also accompanied by a project and another series of documents but, unlike the license, with the responsible declaration, we do not need any type of response from the Administration, but from the moment of its presentation, we can start the activity that we have requested.
However, you should know that, at any time, the Administration may carry out an inspection to verify that, indeed, what you have declared is true and that all regulatory provisions are complied with; initiating the sanctioning procedure otherwise.
Prior communication: It is a document through which the interested parties inform the City Council of a circumstance (change of ownership of a license, of an activity ...) It is similar to the responsible declaration, but it is usually for actions of "minor importance" and less documentation is usually required.
Since 2012, and according to Law 12/2012, of December 26, on urgent measures to liberalize trade and certain services, there are certain commercial activities and services for which the obtaining of a prior license cannot be required.
So what is required?
In order to start the activity for the first time, the presentation of a responsible declaration will be required (as long as the useful area of exhibition and sale to the public does not exceed seven hundred and fifty square meters and it is an activity to be carried out in a permanent establishment) .
For changes of ownership of commercial activities and services, the presentation of a prior communication will be required, for informational purposes only.
For the conditioning of the premises, a license will not be required as long as these conditioning works do not require a project (this occurs in works of little entity and technical simplicity, such as those in which the architectural configuration of the building is not altered, or change the exterior composition, or the volume, or affect the structural system ...)
In short, what activities DO need a license?
According to what we have just seen, if the activity you intend to carry out is identified with any of the following three cases, then IF THE LICENSE WILL BE REQUIRED, and the procedure cannot be processed by means of a responsible declaration:
The activity that I intend to carry out is not permanent but temporary (fairs, congresses, exhibitions ...) whether it is carried out in a fixed establishment (for example: conference center) or a temporary establishment (removable type).
The activity that I intend to carry out is permanent, but it is not included in the list of exempt activities (related below).
The activity that I intend to carry out is permanent, but the premises have a surface greater than seven hundred and fifty meters squares.
And what activities do NOT need a license, but a responsible declaration?
Finally, we list below the activities for which (if the premises are less than seven hundred and fifty square meters) an opening license is not required, but a responsible declaration. The complete list is in the annex to Law 12/2012, of December 26, so if you have doubts about whether your activity fits into any of the following categories, consult the complete list.
Textile industry (such as the manufacture of hosiery, felts, tulle, lace ...)
Leather industry (manufacture of leather and similar articles)
Footwear and clothing industry and other textile confections
Paper industry and manufacture of paper articles; graphic arts and publishing.
Other manufacturing industries (such as jewelry, costume jewelery).
Retail trade of food products, beverages and tobacco (butchers, greengrocers, fishmongers, casquerías, pastry shops, confectioneries, ice cream parlors ...)
Retail trade of non-food industrial products carried out in permanent establishments (textile stores, home clothing, lingerie, haberdashery, corsetry, drugstore and cleaning, perfumery and cosmetics, herbalists, furniture stores, hardware stores
Mixed or integrated trade, retail trade outside a permanent commercial establishment (ambulance, flea markets and occasional or newspaper markets), trade under the regime of warehouse exhibitors and through automatic devices; mail order retail trade and miscellaneous product catalog.
Repairs (of electrical articles for the home, vehicles and other consumer goods).
Activities related to transport (travel agencies).
Financial and insurance auxiliaries. Real estate activities.
Services provided to companies (legal services, technical engineering services, architecture, urban planning, advertising services ...)
Rental of movable property (cars, bicycles, video films ...)
Rental of real estate (homes, industrial premises ...)
Education and research (non-regulated education of training and improvement and other teachings).
Recreational and cultural services (libraries, archives, museums, botanical gardens ...)
Personal services (laundries, dry cleaners, cleaning, hairdressing salons, photographic services, funeral services ...)
Finally, if you have identified whether the activity you want to carry out requires a responsible declaration or not, and now you have doubts about what is the procedure to follow or what are the requirements that your premises must meet, we recommend that you read our post: opening licenses: everything you need to know
In any case, do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, we will be happy to help you!
Hello I am Javier Muñoz Fuentes, Architect registered 1856 COA Málaga. Let me know how may I be of assistance…You will find me calling at + 34 654 00 11 69
Hello I am Crisanto Barcia Garcia, Architect registered 1501 COA Málaga. If you have any further question about this post, do not hesitate to call me at +34 678 478 993
How to change the ownership of an opening license
If you are thinking of opening a business, you have probably thought about the possibility of renting or buying a place that is already in operation or calling the number that appears on the typical sign ‘‘ SE TRANSFIERE’’. As we will see in this post, the advantages are numerous, both in the investment to be made and in the administrative procedures since it will be enough to change the ownership of the opening license instead of requesting a new one. Let's see the requirements and procedure to follow for this.
How to change the owner while maintaining the activity?
An opening license is always associated with a holder, who is the one who requests it and who is authorized to carry out the activity in it. The change of owner is possible as long as no modifications have been made to the premises with respect to the license granted (whether they are modifications of surface, equipment, facilities ...) and that the premises have not been closed or without activity for more than six months (in this case it will be necessary to submit a new responsible declaration as it would be done in the event that you had never had an activity license)
Can I keep the license if I change the activity?
On occasions we have had clients who ask us the case that they want to rent a place that was currently intended for use (for example: cocktail bar) and they want to keep that license they already have, but "adapting" or "extending" it to a different use (for example: restaurant).
This is not possible. Each activity license is associated with a specific use, since each use has to meet different requirements (in terms of minimum stays, accessibility, fire protection ...) therefore, in the case of modification of use, it will be necessary to request a new license to verify that the premises we have meets the requirements of the new use.
Can I change the location and transfer the license to the new location?
Another frequent question occurs with the entrepreneur who has a business and decides to move to the next room (for example) because it has better characteristics that interest him. Is it possible to keep the license that he already had? The answer is no. As can be sensed in a similar way to the previous case, the new premises will have different characteristics, so it must be verified that this new premises also meets the requirements for the activity that is being developed.
The change of ownership of an opening license is a really simple procedure: it will simply be necessary to submit a prior communication to the competent administration for informational purposes only. A prior communication is a document by which the interested parties inform the City Council of a circumstance. Unlike licenses, this procedure does not require a response from the Administration, but is effective from the moment it is submitted.
To present this prior communication, the following documentation will be necessary:
Prior communication form (signed by the owner of the activity).
Identification of the new owner and document certifying the availability of use of the establishment (deed of sale, lease contract ...)
Certificate of persistence. As we have commented, it will be a requirement to authorize the change of ownership that the establishment fully maintain the above conditions (distribution, fire protection facilities, technical-sanitary measures ...) This maintenance of the conditions is accredited by the certificate of persistence, in the one that an architect must first request the documentation that was presented when the license to open the premises was obtained and later inspect it to be able to prove that the same conditions are still being maintained.
The fees that must be paid for changes of ownership will depend on the existing tax ordinances in the municipality in which the premises are located. As a reference, in Malaga it is established that changes of ownership of activities that have already made a Responsible Declaration or obtained a license will have a reduction of fifty percent with respect to the amount that was paid at the time. This amount depends on the surface, and ranges between two hundred and seventy-two euros (for surfaces smaller than fifty square meters) and four hundred and fifty euros (for an area of one hundred and fifty square meters).
Yes. The persistence certificate must be signed by an Architect. But it is not only mandatory, but it is highly recommended to contact an Architect even before acquiring the establishment in question.
Although the advertisement indicated, It is not the first time that we find that undeclared modifications have been made, that the advertisement indicates a maximum capacity that does not coincide with the established as a legal maximum in its day, that the kitchen smoke extraction has not been installed in accordance with the license granted, or there is even a complaint or sanctioning procedure against the premises of which you are not informed.
All these problems are easily avoidable issues if you contact an architect before acquiring the premises, so that he can verify the veracity of all the data and we do not find unpleasant surprises during the procedure.
Remember that having adequate technical advice is not an expense, it is an investment that will allow you to save costs in the future.
Hello I am Javier Muñoz Fuentes, Architect registered 1856 COA Málaga. Let me know how may I be of assistance…You will find me calling at + 34 654 00 11 69
Hello I am Crisanto Barcia Garcia, Architect registered 1501 COA Málaga. If you have any further question about this post, do not hesitate to call me at +34 678 478 993
Opening licences: Shops and Food
If you are thinking of opening a food store, there are surely many aspects that you should take into account and you do not know where to start: have a business plan, create a name and logo, find a place in a suitable area for your customers , find out about suppliers, hire staff, establish a marketing plan and, finally, the legal aspects.
In this post we will try to solve all the doubts you may have about how to process the opening / activity license for a food store. This procedure is applicable for a multitude of public businesses such as: butchers, fishmongers, greengrocers, bakeries, ice cream parlors... If, after reading it, you have any questions about it, we recommend that you read our post: Opening licenses: everything you need to know
The first requirement that must be taken into account will be the urban regulations. Municipal planning establishes a series of permitted uses and specific rules depending on the location of the property, so the first step before buying or renting a place to open our restaurant, we must verify that this use is allowed by urban regulations.
In addition to this, there are a series of requirements that we are going to group as follows:
Minimun Stays
In general, food stores are one of the places that have the fewest requirements in terms of minimum stays. Although it may vary slightly depending on the specific use, in general it will be enough to have an area for the public in which the counter and food displays (where appropriate) will be located, a storage area and a single unisex toilet (except premises larger areas where there will be an occupation of fifty or more people, in which it will be necessary to have at least two toilets differentiated by sex).
Accessibility Regulations
The most relevant aspects of this regulation that must be taken into account are:
There must be at least one accessible access to the premises. In the event that there is unevenness between the exterior pavement and the premises, it must be saved by means of a ramp or other technical aids (such as lifting platforms).
The floor of both the access ramp and the entire premises must be non-slip.
The openings and doors must be more than 80cm wide.
The corridors must be at least 1.00m wide, and there must be turning areas (with a free diameter of 1.50m) at certain points such as the lobby, in corridors of more than 10m in length, in front of the elevator ( in your case) and so on.
Fire Protection
The requirements regarding fire protection installations may vary depending on the usable area of the premises, but in general we can say that there must be at least one extinguisher located every 15 meters, emergency lighting and exit signs.
Lighting and Ventilation
As for the lighting, this must be sufficient for the development of the work that is carried out there, being it advisable to have at least 300-400 lux. As for ventilation, this may be natural (through openings in doors, windows or grilles in facades and patios) or forced (through motors and ventilation ducts with impulsion and extraction intakes). In any case, you must ensure that there are around 6 air changes per hour.
In the event that the premises meet all the requirements and it is not necessary to carry out renovation works, the procedure to follow consists of preparing an activity project (which must be signed by an architect) in which the activity is described that will be developed in the premises, the facilities and machinery that will be used, the fulfillment of all the corresponding regulations is justified and plans of all this are provided.
In addition to this, you should know that certain uses of those intended for commerce and food are subject to the environmental qualification procedure according to Law 7/2007, of July 9.
This is the case, for example, of retail and wholesale fishmongers, retail and wholesale butchers, bakeries or confectionery and pastry shops, stores or sales of fruits or vegetables, preparation of prepared and take-away meals. … Depending on the size of the premises, this procedure must be carried out in an ordinary way or by means of a responsible declaration (more agile). In both cases, a technical project will have to be carried out describing the activity, machinery and equipment to be used, materials used, environmental risks ... and it must be justified that the project does not pose an environmental risk or have a polluting nature.
Once this project is completed, the form of administrative authorization will be through a declaration of responsibility.Table of activities (document in which it is declared that all the requirements are met or to start the activity and that it does not need a response from the Administration, so it can be started from the moment it is presented).
Documentation necessary to present the responsible declaration: (may vary slightly depending on the municipality)
Responsible declaration form.
Identification of the holder (photocopy of ID in the case of natural persons).
Document accrediting the availability of the use of the establishment (lease contract, for example).
Documentation related to the viability of urban use.
Activity project.
If you have any questions about the procedure, it is extensively explained in our post: Opening licenses: everything you need to know and, in any case, you can contact us for any clarification or request for a budget without obligation. We will be happy to help you!
Hello I am Javier Muñoz Fuentes, Architect registered 1856 COA Málaga. Let me know how may I be of assistance…You will find me calling at + 34 654 00 11 69
Hello I am Crisanto Barcia Garcia, Architect registered 1501 COA Málaga. If you have any further question about this post, do not hesitate to call me at +34 678 478 993
Opening licenses: Bakery
If you are thinking of opening a bakery, there are surely many aspects that you should take into account and you do not know where to start: have a business plan, create a name and a logo, find a place in a suitable area for your customers, find out about suppliers, hiring staff, establishing a marketing plan and, finally, the legal aspects.
In this post we are going to try to solve all the doubts you may have about how to process the opening / activity license for a bakery. If, after reading it, you have any questions about it, we recommend that you read our post: Opening licenses: everything you need to know.
When it comes to processing the opening license for your bakery, the requirements that must be met will depend on the type of business you have planned. We can say that there are three different types of business:
Bakery with take away products
They are the bakeries where only the product is sold (breads, cakes and the like) but where you are not going to be in charge of making the bread nor are you going to allow products to be consumed within the premises. This is the typical option, where customers walk in, pick products from the counter, and take them away. It has some advantages, since you will be able to carry out this activity in a much smaller place than the one you will need for the other business models.
In this case, you will need an innocuous activity license. This type of license is equivalent to the one processed for a food store so, if this is your case, we recommend that you read our post Opening licenses - Food stores where you will find all the information you need.
Bakery in which they can be consumed within the premises, but where the product is not manufactured
It is probably the option that produces the most income, but it is also the one that requires the largest investment and the one that demands the highest requirements. In this case, you will need a license for hospitality activities, comparable to that of a cafeteria-restaurant. You will find all the information regarding this type of license in our post Opening licenses - Restaurant.
Specialized bakeries
In the event that you decide to manufacture the product within your premises, the requirements will depend on the machinery to be installed and its power, and its consideration as a classified activity or not will depend on this; So in this case we recommend that you contact an architect directly who can advise you on your specific case.
Hello I am Javier Muñoz Fuentes, Architect registered 1856 COA Málaga. Let me know how may I be of assistance…You will find me calling at + 34 654 00 11 69
Hello I am Crisanto Barcia Garcia, Architect registered 1501 COA Málaga. If you have any further question about this post, do not hesitate to call me at +34 678 478 993
Opening licenses: Hair Salon
If you are thinking of opening a Hair Salon, surely there are many aspects that you have to take into account and you do not know where to start: have a business plan, create a name and a logo, find a place in a suitable area for your clients, inform you about suppliers, hire staff, establish a marketing plan and, finally, the legal aspects.
In this post we are going to try to solve all the doubts you may have about how to process the opening / activity license for a Hair Salon. If, after reading it, you have any questions about it, we recommend that you read our post: Opening licenses: everything you need to know.
The first requirement that must be taken into account will be the urban regulations. Municipal planning establishes a series of permitted uses and specific rules depending on the location of the property, so the first step before buying or renting a place to open our Hair Salon, we must verify that this use is allowed by urban regulations. In addition to this, there are a series of requirements that we are going to group as follows:
Sanitary Equipment
The premises must have separate toilets for staff and customers. There must be at least one full bathroom (as a minimum) and a larger toilet that meets all the specifications to be adapted for people with disabilities, which will be the one used by customers, so it must be accessed through the area intended for customers.
Accessibility Regulations
All spaces in the premises (both those that will be used by customers and those that will be used by staff, with some exceptions, such as the facilities rooms) must comply with accessibility regulations. This regulation is composed at the state level by Order VIV / 561/2010, of February 1, and by the Basic Document on security of use and accessibility; at the regional level by Decree 293/2009, of July 7, and in addition to this, it must comply with the specific Ordinances that will depend on the municipality in which the premises are located.
The most relevant aspects of this regulation that must be taken into account are:
There must be at least one accessible access to the premises. In the event that there is a difference in level between the exterior pavement and the premises, it must be saved by means of a ramp or other types of technical aids (such as lifting platforms).
There must be an elevator in the event that the premises have more than one floor, and there are uses that will be used by customers on the upper floors.
The floor of both the access ramp and the entire premises must be non-slip.
The openings and doors must be more than 80cm wide.
The corridors must be at least 1.00m wide, and there must be turning areas (with a free diameter of 1.50m) at certain points such as the lobby, in corridors of more than 10m in length, in front of the elevator ( in your case) and so on.
Fire Protection
The requirements regarding fire protection installations may vary depending on the usable area of the premises, but in general we can say that there must be at least one extinguisher located every 15 meters, emergency lighting and exit signs.
Lighting and Ventilacion
As for the lighting, this must be sufficient for the development of the work that is carried out there, being it advisable to have at least 300-400 lux. As for ventilation, this may be natural (through openings in doors, windows or grilles in facades and patios) or forced (through motors and ventilation ducts with impulsion and extraction intakes). In any case, you must ensure that there are around 6 air changes per hour.
In addition to these requirements, there may be other specific ones depending on the municipality in which the premises are located, such as in relation to outdoor signage (which must comply with the Town Hall urban regulations) or in relation to warehouses or other minimal dependencies.
In the event that the premises meet all the requirements and it is not necessary to carry out renovation works, the procedure to follow consists of preparing an activity project (which must be signed by an architect) in which the activity is described that is going to be developed on the premises, the facilities and machinery to be used, compliance with all applicable regulations is justified and plans are provided for all of this.
Once this project has been carried out, the form of administrative authorization will be through a declaration responsible for activities (document in which it is declared that all the requirements are met or to start the activity and that it does not need a response from the Administration, therefore that this can be started d from the time of presentation).
Documentation necessary to present the responsible declaration: (may vary slightly depending on the municipality)
Responsible declaration form.
Identification of the holder (photocopy of ID in the case of natural persons).
Document accrediting the availability of the use of the establishment (lease contract, for example).
Documentation related to the viability of urban use
Activity project.
If you have any questions about the procedure, it is extensively explained in our post: Opening licenses: everything you need to know.
As for the cost, you must take into account two main aspects. On the one hand, the architect's fees: these will depend on the size of the specific project in question, so if you are interested in opening a place of these characteristics we encourage you to ask us for a budget without any kind of commitment: we will happy to help you!
On the other hand, you must pay the corresponding fees for responsible declaration, the value of which depends on the municipality. By way of example, in Malaga the rates depend on the surface area, and range between two hundred and seventy-two euros (for surfaces smaller than fifty square meters) and four hundred and fifty euros (for an area of one hundred and fifty square meters).
Hello I am Javier Muñoz Fuentes, Architect registered 1856 COA Málaga. Let me know how may I be of assistance…You will find me calling at + 34 654 00 11 69
Hello I am Crisanto Barcia Garcia, Architect registered 1501 COA Málaga. If you have any further question about this post, do not hesitate to call me at +34 678 478 993
Opening licenses: Everything you need to know
If you have come this far, it is probably because you are thinking of starting some type of business, but you do not know what are the procedures you have to follow to do so. Whether it is to open a restaurant, a retail store, a hairdressing salon or any other type of activity "open to the public" you have surely heard of the activity license as one of the most important requirements and that the most headaches it brings to future business owners. Do not worry, because in this post we bring you all the keys so that you do not have any doubts about what it is and how it is processed!
The activity license or opening license, is one that allows the City Council to verify that a premises meets all the requirements to open to the public in safety conditions, without generating risks to customers, workers, neighbors or the environment environment.
As established by law, all activities related to holding public shows and activities are subject to administrative control (either through a license or by means of a responsible declaration, as explained in the section on "What is the procedure?"). recreational activities, as well as public establishments where these activities are held or carried out.
As for the activities, you should know that recreational activity is understood to be those situations of leisure, fun, recreation or consumption of drinks and food. Likewise, public establishments shall be understood to be those premises, venues or facilities of public attendance where shows or recreational activities are held or practiced.
As you can see, the law does not distinguish between types of establishments where these activities are carried out, so we understand that they are already carried out in a place, in a flat, an industrial warehouse, or any other type of property, they must comply with the requirements that are established below to obtain the corresponding permission.
Undoubtedly, this is the most difficult question to answer, since depending on the activity for which a license is required, specific requirements established in the corresponding sectoral legislation must be met. The requirements that a restaurant must meet are not the same as those that a teaching academy must meet, for example; so our recommendation is that you contact an architect who will advise you at all times.
However, in a generic way we can cite a series of requirements common to all uses:
Urban planning conditions: The municipal urban planning establishes a series of permitted uses and specific rules depending on the location of the property, so the first step before buying or renting an establishment to put it into use, will be to verify that the use that we want to give the establishment is allowed by urban regulations.
It must be verified that the establishment complies with the technical conditions of safety, hygiene, sanitation, accessibility and noise level that are determined by regulation in the specific rules of each activity.
Comply with the provisions of the Technical Building Code, fire protection regulations and other basic regulations applicable to public entertainment and environmental protection.
Were you looking for the requirements for a specific type of premises? Check if your activity is in the following list of posts:
Opening licences: Shops and food
Opening licenses - Cocktail Bar/ Nightclub
1. Do I need to reform the premises?
First of all, we have to mention that, in the event that the premises does not meet any of the requirements described in the previous question, it will be necessary to carry out the corresponding reform works, an independent procedure to that described in this post and that will require the presentation of a basic project and an execution project to obtain the building license. If you have questions about some of these concepts, we recommend that you read our posts:
What is a basic architecture project?
What is an architecture execution project?
2. Responsible declaration or activity license?
Since 2012, the procedure to start activities has been simplified and most of them can be processed by means of a responsible declaration instead of by applying for a license.
A responsible declaration is a document signed by the applicant (accompanied by as many documents as requested) in which it is declared, under the responsibility of the signer, that all the requirements for (in this case) the start of an activity are met. Unlike the license application, the responsible declaration does not need a response from the Administration,Therefore, from the moment it is presented, the activity can be started immediately (without prejudice to the fact that the Administration can subsequently verify that the statement is true, and initiate a sanctioning procedure if it is not).
In which cases can the activity be started by responsible declaration?
The opening of fixed public establishments destined to the celebration of public shows and permanent recreational activities will be subject in general, to the presentation of a responsible declaration before the City Council. This means that only in cases where you want to carry out a temporary activity (for example, a fair) or install a temporary establishment (removable type) will a municipal authorization be required. In the rest of the cases, it will be sufficient to present a responsible declaration.
Activity project
Regardless of whether the activity can be started by means of a responsible declaration or not, it will be essential to present an activity project, which describes the activity that will be carried out on the premises, the facilities and machinery that will be used, Compliance with all applicable regulations is justified and plans are provided for all of this.
Is this all, or do I need other authorizations depending on the use that my establishment will have?
As with the requirements, depending on the specific case, it may be necessary to obtain other types of authorizations or carry out procedures other than those mentioned in the previous section, prior to or simultaneously with the start of the activity. As an example, we indicate some authorizations and in which cases they are necessary:
In activities located in protected natural areas, it may be necessary to obtain prior authorization from one of the Ministries (depending on the reason that justifies the protection)
In activities of production or manufacture of food products, the corresponding sanitary registration must be obtained.
Tourist establishments must have the authorization of the competent Ministry of Tourism and register in the Tourism Registry.
In activities located on undeveloped land, the presentation of an action project or special plan will be required (depending on the activity).
Finally, due to its relevance, we must mention that there are a series of actions subject to environmental prevention and control instruments and that their resolution must be obtained prior to the presentation of the responsible declaration at the City Council and, therefore, before starting the activity.
The activities that must be subject to any of these instruments are listed in Annex I of Law 7/2007, of July 9, on Integrated Environmental Quality Management, where we find, among many others: hotel establishments and tourist apartments; restaurants, cafes, pubs and bars; discos and party rooms; cinemas and theaters; gyms; dance and dance academies, and so on.
Yes. The inactivity or closure for more than six months of a fixed public establishment will require the presentation of a new responsible declaration before the City Council for its reopening. Likewise, the inactivity or closure for more than six months of an eventual public establishment (for which authorization is required when starting the activity for the first time) will require the presentation of a responsible declaration before the City Council for its reopening.
Yes. Many of the procedural documents that we have been mentioning throughout the post must be necessarily signed by a technician (among them, the activity project), since he will be in charge of certifying that the activity complies with all regulations.
However, it is not only mandatory for some of the steps, but it is highly recommended to contact an Architect even before buying or acquiring the establishment in question. Why? If you do not know perfectly the requirements that the activity you want to start or the urban regulations must meet, it is very possible that, attracted by a good offer, you will acquire a place in which the use you want to put is not allowed, or in which the cost of the reform that you need to meet all the requirements is much higher than what it would have cost you to acquire another seemingly more expensive premises, but that better adjusts to the requirements of the use you want to start.
Remember that having adequate technical advice is not an expense, it is an investment that will allow you to save costs in the future.
Hello I am Javier Muñoz Fuentes, Architect registered 1856 COA Málaga. Let me know how may I be of assistance…You will find me calling at + 34 654 00 11 69
Hello I am Crisanto Barcia Garcia, Architect registered 1501 COA Málaga. If you have any further question about this post, do not hesitate to call me at +34 678 478 993
Frequently Asked Questions About Housing for Tourist Purposes
Tourist apartments are establishments intended to provide the tourist accommodation service, made up of a set of accommodation units that have furniture and adequate facilities for their purpose. These units can be both apartments themselves and villas, chalets, bungalows...
It is important to point out the difference between an establishment of tourist apartments and houses for tourist purposes, since the complexes formed by less than three houses or apartments of the same owner (located in the same property or in a group of properties within a of a kilometer) are considered homes for tourist purposes and their requirements are different. If this is your case and you have doubts about the procedure to follow to start this activity, we recommend that you read our post Housing for tourism purposes - Things you should know
No, it is not required. However, this depends on the classification we want to obtain: tourist apartment establishments are classified into two groups:
Buildings / complexes: Establishments made up of three or more accommodation units that occupy all or an independent part of a building, having their own entrance and communication hubs for exclusive use.
Complexes: Establishments made up of three or more accommodation units located in the same building, occupying only a part of them, in which the tourist accommodation service is provided under an operating unit.
If it's posible. However, access to tourist apartments must be independent of access to commercial premises. If these premises are located on the ground floor, they must be accessed directly from the outside, but if they are located both on the ground floor and on the upper floors, there must be an access and a communication nucleus for the commercial premises and another independent access and communication nucleus for the tourist apartments.
Tourist apartment establishments are built on land classified by the urban planning instrument as "residential" or similar. However, it is not always possible to build an establishment of tourist apartments on these soils, since it depends on the particular conditions imposed by each municipality. That is why the first step before carrying out the project will be to request from the City Council an urban viability report, which is nothing more than a document issued by the city council in which it is certified that the use to which a land will be destined ( in this case, tourist apartments) is admitted for a certain location.
In addition, depending on the modality to which the establishment is assigned, it must meet some requirements or others. There are four modalities: beach, city, rural, road. In the event that an establishment meets the requirements to be assigned to more than one modality, the company will be able to choose which of them it wants to take advantage of, and thus indicate it in the responsible declaration.
If you have a plot and are interested in building an establishment of tourist apartments, we recommend that you contact a technician who will review your specific case, since depending on where you are, you must use one or another modality and, therefore, you must comply with a series of different requirements in each case.
There are four categories of tourist apartments. These are: one, two, three or four keys (comparable to stars in hotel establishments). Depending on the category to which we want to assign our establishment, it must have some services or others, and the apartments must have minimum dimensions or others.
In general, these requirements will refer to the minimum number of accesses, dimensions of the lobby and the requirement that there be a reception, minimum dimensions that bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens must meet ... the requirement of other spaces such as luggage rooms, laundries, areas common, etcetera. All these aspects will be resolved by the architect in charge of drafting the project.
Those interested in building, expanding or reforming a tourist accommodation establishment must submit an application to the corresponding Territorial Delegation of the Ministry of Tourism and, together with it, the mandatory documentation must be attached to carry out the prior qualification of the project, ect according to the group, category, modality ... of the establishment that they intend to register.
This documentation will be presented after presenting the basic project to the City Council and, therefore, prior to the construction, extension or reform of the establishment. A technical report will be included accompanied by plans where it is justified that the project meets all the requirements of the corresponding regulations. For this, it will be essential to have an Architect, who will be in charge of advising you on the best options for your specific case, preparing the project and carrying out all the procedures with the Administration. At Munoz Barcia we have extensive experience in tourist apartment projects, we will be happy to advise you without obligation!
Yes. All tourist apartment establishments must register in the Andalusian Tourism Registry, and it is also mandatory to include the registration number assigned by said Registry in all advertising they make about the apartments. From the moment they are registered in the Andalusian Tourism Registry, it will be forbidden to use the apartments for a different use, such as residential and, expressly, for housing rental.
In the event that the tourist apartment rental activity begins without the registration in the Tourism Registry having been made, this activity will be classified as clandestine, giving rise to the initiation of the sanctioning procedure (in addition to the precise actions so that causes the cessation of the clandestine provision of the tourist service).
Hello I am Javier Muñoz Fuentes, Architect registered 1856 COA Málaga. Let me know how may I be of assistance…You will find me calling at + 34 654 00 11 69
Hello I am Crisanto Barcia Garcia, Architect registered 1501 COA Málaga. If you have any further question about this post, do not hesitate to call me at +34 678 478 993