Opening licenses: Bakery

If you are thinking of opening a bakery, there are surely many aspects that you should take into account and you do not know where to start: have a business plan, create a name and a logo, find a place in a suitable area for your customers, find out about suppliers, hiring staff, establishing a marketing plan and, finally, the legal aspects.

In this post we are going to try to solve all the doubts you may have about how to process the opening / activity license for a bakery. If, after reading it, you have any questions about it, we recommend that you read our post: Opening licenses: everything you need to know.


When it comes to processing the opening license for your bakery, the requirements that must be met will depend on the type of business you have planned. We can say that there are three different types of business:

Bakery with take away products

They are the bakeries where only the product is sold (breads, cakes and the like) but where you are not going to be in charge of making the bread nor are you going to allow products to be consumed within the premises. This is the typical option, where customers walk in, pick products from the counter, and take them away. It has some advantages, since you will be able to carry out this activity in a much smaller place than the one you will need for the other business models.

In this case, you will need an innocuous activity license. This type of license is equivalent to the one processed for a food store so, if this is your case, we recommend that you read our post Opening licenses - Food stores where you will find all the information you need.

Bakery in which they can be consumed within the premises, but where the product is not manufactured

It is probably the option that produces the most income, but it is also the one that requires the largest investment and the one that demands the highest requirements. In this case, you will need a license for hospitality activities, comparable to that of a cafeteria-restaurant. You will find all the information regarding this type of license in our post Opening licenses - Restaurant.

Specialized bakeries

In the event that you decide to manufacture the product within your premises, the requirements will depend on the machinery to be installed and its power, and its consideration as a classified activity or not will depend on this; So in this case we recommend that you contact an architect directly who can advise you on your specific case.

Hello I am Javier Muñoz Fuentes, Architect registered 1856 COA Málaga. Let me know how may I be of  assistance…You will find me calling at + 34 654 00 11 69

Hello I am Javier Muñoz Fuentes, Architect registered 1856 COA Málaga. Let me know how may I be of assistance…You will find me calling at + 34 654 00 11 69

Hello I am Crisanto Barcia Garcia, Architect registered 1501 COA Málaga. If you have any further question about this post, do not hesitate to call me at +34 678 478 993

Hello I am Crisanto Barcia Garcia, Architect registered 1501 COA Málaga. If you have any further question about this post, do not hesitate to call me at +34 678 478 993


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